Pregnant dog who was shot 17 times and lost both eyes has qualified as therapy dog

When Maggie, one of the bravest dogs we’ve ever heard of, was found tied down on a street in Lebanon, one of her ears had been cut off and she had been shot 17 times. God knows how much pain she was in and how afraid she was of humans.

Everyone wondered who the culprit who did this to her might be because Maggie was one of the nicest dogs. Despite her ordeal, she never showed any signs of aggression towards those who found her and saved her.

After she was rushed to the vet, Maggie was patched up in just a few hours. However, her injuries were severe. The bullets left her completely blind and the vet had to sew her eyes too.

It was discovered that at the time of the attack Maggie was pregnant but the bullets inside her body and the trauma she suffered left the fetuses damaged. Her pregnancy had to be terminated.

Eventually, four pellets were removed from her eyes and her body and the remaining stayed intact because the risk of getting them out was very high.

Thankfully, Maggie was brave and she started her process of recovery.

The rescue organization Wild at Heart Foundation that took Maggie under their wing posted her story on the social media. Many people wished this incredible dog a fast recovery and prayed for her to find a home.

That’s when a woman named Kasey Carlin from the UK stumbled upon Maggie’s story. She simply knew she had to take the dog in and asked to foster her, though she was aware that it was very likely for Maggie to stay with her forever.

The first encounter between the new friends was an emotional one. Getting to see and hug Maggie in person, Kasey was over the moon. She ignored the vile comments that Maggie should have been put down because she would be a burden for any family that would welcome her in their life.

In her new home, Maggie made friends with Kasey’s other dog, an Alaskan Klee Kai named Mishka. At first, Maggie was overwhelmed by Mishka’s constant howling but she soon got used to it and now the two love each other so very much and cuddle all day long.

Maggie was so friendly and loving to everyone she met that Kasey got this idea of training her to become a therapy dog. Needless to say, Maggie passed the training with ease and is now helping humans who are in need of love and support. In fact, she’s frequently visiting the nearby care home and all residents are over the moon whenever Maggie stops by.

Kasey adopted Maggie officially and she says it’s the best decision she’s ever made.

“She and I will speak to schools and work hands-on with youngsters,” Kasey said. “I know what happened to Maggie was horrendous but if her story can educate and inspire others to do good then at least we can do our part to make this world a little brighter.”

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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