Not many people opt for doing the same job all their life. The reason behind this might be because they get bored easily or they are simply not that passionate about what they do. There are also those who enjoy their profession so much they would never pursue a career in a different field. The latter is the case with two amazing officers at the Sarasota Police Department.
One of them is Andrew Jenkins. Believe it or not, this devoted man spent 30 years serving the community, and the way he announced the end of his career will make you shed a tear or two.
Before offering his final 10-7 (which means “out of service”), he needed to take a deep breath because he was overwhelmed with emotions. After gathering some courage, he uttered:
“I’d like to thank all my SPD family for the last 30 years of being by my side, and especially for today for making it a memorable one,” he said.
He simply couldn’t contain the flow of mixed emotions and started crying as he was thanking his fellow colleagues on congratulating him for being there for the people of Chattanooga whenever they needed help.
Another officer whose career came to an end is Lt. Austin Garrett. His speech was especially emotional knowing that the dispatcher whom he announced the news about his retirement to was his daughter Haley Garrett.
“Twenty-five years of service,” the officer stated. “I’ll be out of service a final time.”
Then he told his daughter, “Be careful. Don’t forget who you are.”
“Thank you for 25 years of service at the Chattanooga police department,” she said.
“You’ve been a mentor and great friend to many during your career. We all wish you well on your future endeavors.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I love you, daddy.”
Chattanooga Police Department also commented on his retirement and wrote in the caption of the video,
“The Chattanooga PD thanks Lt. Garrett for his dedication, leadership, and service and may the best of the past be the worst of his future.”
Lt. Austin Garrett, however, will continue his service for his people as a Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy. We all wish him lots of luck in his new position.