Pink reveals touching reason she keeps her hair short in emotional tribute to daughter

Pink reveals touching reason she keeps her hair short in emotional tribute to daughter. How absolutely beautiful is that.


Singer Pink, who is one of America’s sweethearts, never ceases to show the world that she truly deserves to be considered a legend and one of the best females vocals of all time. On top of that, she’s also an incredible mother to her two children.

Recently, Pink shared that her heart dropped when her daughter told her she doesn’t feel beautiful. This confused the singer who tried to learn the reason behind those feelings.


Willow, her daughter, explained, “I look like a boy with long hair.”

Pink knew she needed to convince her daughter otherwise, because she truly is one perfectly sweet child. “You’re six … Where is this coming from?” the singer said. But instead of telling her she’s beautiful, Pink decided to approach the issue from another perspective.

Throughout the years, Pink has remained true to her signature looks, and that includes her rather short hair, sporting pink and blonde locks, bouffants, mohawks.


When her daughter told her about feeling ugly, Pink asked her why she though her mom kept her looks pretty much the same over the years. She then told Willow she did that because she loved it that way and because that’s who she is. Further, she explained that she won’t change just to accommodate others. Instead, she explained to Willow, “We help other people to change so that they can see more kinds of beauty.”

Pink is a phenomenal mom who teacher her children the true values in life.

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