Pilot forced to turn plane around because mom forgets her baby at the airport

Waiting long hours at the airport can be tiring. With all those people rushing to get their flights, the long queues, and the pressure of flying, one has to double check all their belongings needed in order to board the plane. As it turns out, it’s not really that uncommon for passengers to forget their passport, luggage, or ticket, but what about a child? This is definitely something we think happens only in the movies. Does “Home Alone” and the McAllisters ring a bell?

Well, one obviously highly forgetful mother did exactly that. She boarded the plane, and as it took off, she remembered her baby was still in the terminal. 

She was heading to Malaysia from Saudi Arabia, and since that flight takes around eight hours, she had to beg the pilot to turn the plane around. Distressed and in panic, this mother feared for her child’s safety, although it was her fault for allowing something like that to happen. 

Flying the plane around seemed like a mission impossible, but it was a kid left all alone at a huge airport in question, so the pilot asked for permission to return. 

According to a YouTube video, he calls the traffic controllers and says, “May God be with us. Can we come back or what?” He then explains the reason for his requests saying, “This flight is requesting to come back…a passenger forgot her baby in the waiting area, the poor thing.”

The operators couldn’t believe what they were hearing and took a minute or two to come around saying, “This is totally a new one for us” after which they gave the pilot a green light to land. 

Thankfully, the mother soon had her child in her arms. No one really knew how it happened for her to left the poor kid behind in the first place. People assume the crowd at the airport made everything too hectic for her so her brain just stopped working. 

We honestly hope she will never let something like this happen ever again. Although we understand all moms are too busy, and many times too tired because of all the commitments on their plate, forgetting a child at the airport is something we can’t really understand. 

Check the video below for more information on this “crazy” story and don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends on Facebook! 

Bored Daddy

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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