‘Our whole world has been taken from us’ – Baby girl dies after mom tries to avoid swooping magpie

Rest in peace little one.


Five-month-old baby died in a freak accident after her mother, who carried her in a career, ducked in an attempt to avoid an aggressive magpie in Queensland, Australia. Unfortunately, the mother tripped and fell, which caused fatal injuries to the baby named Mia. The girl’s father, Jacob, called emergency services and the little one was rushed to the hospital, but to no avail. Mia died and left her parents in devastation.

Mia was described as a happy and cheerful little baby. Sadly, she was taken away from her family way too soon.

Father Jacob said of his sweet baby that she “brought joy to everyone’s lives with her infectious smile, her pure innocence and her adorable laugh.”

“Our whole world has been taken from us and the pain we are experiencing is unimaginable,” he shared with Daily Mail. “We are so grateful for the most precious gift we ever received.”


The magpie which attacked Mia’s mother, Simone, was released as they are protected species.

These birds can grow up to a feet long and are extremely aggressive during breeding season. They would attack anyone who gets close to their nests, even when the person is simply walking past them, not trying to approach them or hurt them.

Jacob and Simone’s family started a GoFundMe to help the family with the funeral expenses as well as other expenses as neither Jacob nor Simone were able to get back to work for some time since losing their daughter.


“This horrible world dealt a blow no one could ever imagine,” the fundraising page read. “Shattering everyone’s hearts and crushing [her parents’] Jacob and Simone’s world in the blink of an eye where no day would ever be the same. No words can begin to describe the torture Jacob and Simone are going through.

“Beautiful Mia, at only five young months of age, grew her little angel wings and left this world for the final time, shattering everyone’s hearts, and crushing Jacob and Simone’s world in the blink of an eye.”

The death of baby Mia “has shocked the community to the absolute core,” Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said.

“This is something no one wants to see happen, something that has never happened before and something we want to make sure never happens again.

“Swooping magpies are part of Australian life. There are not many people in Brisbane that haven’t been swooped by magpies at some stage in their life,” Schrinner added.


“At most stages they’re relatively minor. But there’s never been a situation like this in Brisbane before … This is the first, and we want it to be the last.”

Rest in peace, Mia. Our hearts go out to the grieving family.