This is one heck of a story that will definitely make your day. It is about the kindness offered from one struggling foster mother to another.
Lindsay is a mom of two biological children and takes care of seven other foster children whom she loves as through they are her own. This woman understands all too well how hard it is to be able to provide for so many kids, but on the other hand, fostering is something she loves because she knows that that way, she is changing the lives of those kids for the better.
Lindsay shared a story on her Facebook page about another foster mother who was shamed at Walmart. Her post has been shared over 250 thousand times and people agree that we should always step up for one another.

“Last night I found myself sandwiched in line waiting to check out, this is not an odd occurrence. The woman in front of me had 5 children she was wrangling (which did not seem odd to me), as well as the fact that the children were a mix of Caucasian and Hispanic short people. (again hmph…didn’t notice until it was pointed out to me).
Yes, I said pointed out.”
The people behind the mother who had a hard time using her food stamp card and didn’t know how to separate the items were saying things like, “How many baby daddies do you think she has?” “Just wait until she whips out the food stamps,” and “Can’t even dress those kids for weather,” because two of them were wearing jackets and boots and the three, which didn’t look like the mother, were dressed in shorts and flip-flops.

Lindsay had a hard time believing how cruel some people could be.
She then got close to the mother and offered her to help her with her transaction. The woman said, “New Foster Mom, this is my first time using one of these, they came 3 days days ago, gonna be with us for a while. They gave us food, but the kids needed clothes, but no stipend has come through yet.”
That’s when Lindsay told her how the computer separates the items itself and told her she would just need to pay the balance after she runs her card. The woman was very grateful. The encounter ended with a hug between two mothers who were in the same situation.

After the transaction was done, the mother gave the three kids, the ones she fostered, their new coats.
We should all be like Lindsay. It’s because of people like her that this world becomes a better place.
Below is the original post. Make sure you share this mother’s story with your family and friends.