Some people are so compassionate that their kind deeds restore our faith in humanity and remind us of how we should all strive to become better people whose kind actions would help the world go round.
Officer Jody Thompson from Oklahoma and his wife were already parents of three when a life-changing incident took place and the family ended up welcoming another family member in their home and in their hearts.
It was in 2015 when this police officer received a call of a case of child abuse. When he arrived at the scene, his heart broke because of the gruesome sight. A young boy was bound by his hands and feet with rope, shoved inside a trash barrel. His condition was so poor that his whole body was covered in bruises. The 8-year-old boy was starved so much that his ribs were showing. He was also forcefully held in the shower for very long time so he was soaked to the bone.

This was the most severe case of child neglect and abuse this man has ever seen.
Thompson felt so sorry for this boy that he promised to be there for him and never let something like this happen to him ever again. The boy, John, was quickly rushed to the hospital, and during the whole time, Thompson never left his side.
Once the boy recovered from the injuries, his life tuned upside down in an instant. The Thompsons adopted him and surrounded him with all the love and kindness he deserved but never felt until that very moment.

John Thompson is now an A-straight student and his parents are proud of him and everything he achieved. His new family helped him forget the ordeal he had to go through when he was living with his biological parents.
If you think the Thompsons are kind-hearted people who were there for John when he needed them the most, wait until you see what else they did. John’s biological mother gave birth to a baby daughter while in prison, and his new parents adopted his little sister too. Only 24 hours after she was born, this amazing family started the case to officially make her their daughter.
KFSM Fort Smith reported on the touching story. The interviewer asked Officer Thompson how did he know that he was looking at his future son:
“When I seen him…when I seen him in that house, I knew,” the officer said, tears welling up in his eyes.
Looking at John and officer Thompson, it’s obvious the two love and respect each other endlessly. No one would ever assume John was adopted. He has always been treated equally as the rest of the kids. John said of his father, “he’s [Officer Thompson] is the reason he’s here right now.”
We can never thank this family enough for providing two innocent souls with a loving home. If it wasn’t for officer Thompson and his wife who knows what would have happened to John. We are happy this sweet boy and his little sister got the life they deserve.