The role of the police officers is to keep the community safe, so using them as a scare tactic when your children misbehave is never really a good idea. Kids should learn how to trust the members of the law enforcement and turn to them when they feel something isn’t right.
One South Hill, Virginia officer named C.B. Fleming, who has been part of the department for over 15 years, went an extra mile in order to convince a group of kids that police officers aren’t bad people, on the contrary, their job is to serve the citizens at the best of their ability.

Just recently, officer Fleming answered a call about a gas leak at an apartment complex. Once there, a woman named Iesha Roper-Boswell told him how the kids from the neighborhood, including hers, were afraid of the police.
Officer Fleming didn’t think twice before he decided to change the way those kids perceived men in uniform. He noticed two girls playing with their dolls, carefully approach them, started talking to them, and then got on his belly on the sidewalk and started playing with them.

After that, officer Fleming saw some boys working on their art project. He got on his knees and helped them finish it.

The incredible sight was caught on tape by Iesha, who shared the video on the social media.
From someone they feared, the kind officer became a hero in the eyes of the kids he met that day. We definitely need more people like officer Fleming.
A false alarm gas leak turned into a full out play session in Mecklenburg Manor today! We definitely need more cops like him!!! Thanks for taking the time out to play with the kids!!
Posted by Iesha Roper Boswell on Thursday, 14 February 2019