10-year-old boy who got lost in the woods found unharmed because of dad’s genius tricks

These small but simple tricks probably saved his life.


One of the scariest things a parent can ever experience is their child to wonder off and get lost. Sadly, the family of 10-year-old Malachi Bradley was forced to endure such terrifying occurrence after their son separated from them while they were walking in the High Uintas, Utah, and was nowhere to be seen.

They feared the worst and prayed for the searchers to find him as soon as possible because the thought of him being completely alone in the woods was terrifying all by itself. The day turned into a night and Malachi was still lost. A number of people gathered together to help authorities locate the boy, and some 30 hours later, he was spotted from a helicopter.

What surprised everyone was that besides a few scratches on his legs, the boy was completely uninjured. Asked how he managed to survive the cold and long night in the wilderness, Malachi said that he remembered all of the surviving tips his dad taught him.

He explained that he used his jacket to filter some fresh water and hid behind rocks in order to keep himself safe from the strong wind. “I had to keep switching positions because the wind kept switching,” the boy said.

His incredible story was shared online and has been seen by more than 13.8 million people so far.

Once his teachers and schoolmates heard Malachi’s story, they organized a welcome party at the school and chanted his name.

For more on the story and Malachi’s survival tips go to the video below.