North Carolina couple, 50 and 61, welcome their first child

She's a miracle baby!


A couple from North Carolina who became parents later in life are a proof that God works in mysterious ways.

Susie and Tony Troxler, who are now 50 and 61 respectively, got married back in 2008 and believed they would become parents shortly after that because that was what they both wanted so very much. Unfortunately, things didn’t turn out as expected and they had trouble conceiving.

“One year turned into two, then three, but when it got to be nine, 10, 11 years, we were like, something is up, and I’m not sure what it is.”

They both experienced some minor health issues, and age seemed to played a big part in their inability to get pregnant.

“I had a boatload of uterine fibroids. I was too old, and Tony had some medical issues, so, between the two of us, there was not going to be a baby,” Susie told 13 News Now. She was also aware that getting pregnant in her 50s would come with certain risks, such as gestational diabetes, ectopic pregnancy, or even a miscarriage, but she was willing to accept all that if that meant she could become a mother.


After years of unsuccessful tries, the couple went to a fertility clinic. “None of that worked, and we were down to our last embryo,” Susie said. “They bring me into the ultrasound, and the first thing they said was, ‘Oh, she’s moving!’ I was like, ‘Yes!’”

They finally heard the news they were waiting for so long and were over the moon.

Their beautiful daughter Lily was born in September, 2021.

“I love her so much. Every time I look at her, I feel myself just staring at her. It’s amazing!” proud daddy Tony said.

“We are thrilled. Sleep-deprived, but totally beyond worth it. She is a miracle baby,” mom Susie added.

We are so happy for this beautiful family. We wish every couple who struggles with infertility to receive this miracle from God.

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