Every expectant mother hopes that her bundle of joy would be born healthy. But sadly, sometimes things take wturn for the worse and complications arise.
When she learned she was going to become a mother for the first time, a woman named Cheyenne Potts were overjoyed. Her pregnancy seemed to be a normal one until doctors came with news no parent wants to hear. Her unborn son didn’t seem to be developing as expected and doctors advised her to terminate the pregnancy.
After thoughtful consideration, Cheyenne and her husband Michael decided to give their son a fighting chance despite they were told he was was “broken and breaking.”
Luckily, they made the right decision.
Sharing their son’s life story, the parents told Love What Matters that despite the odds and the doctors’ words that little Leo won’t live past a week in case he’s born alive, he’s now a year old and thriving.

“Our little man, Leo, has a disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta… brittle bone disease,” his grandmother told Love What Matters.
Days after he was welcomed into the world, Leo’s mom and dad started preparing for his funeral, but then they decided not to do that and act as if doctors were wrong.

”But then we decided to do our best to plan as though the doctors were wrong. Talk amongst ourselves about what life with Leo might be like. We spent the next 4 months in this manner,” Leo’s grandma said.
As Leo was born shortly before Christmas, the family made many preparations as they believed it would be the baby boy’s first and last Christmas. Luckily, they were wrong.

“… [A]t this time the doctors still all agree Leo would not live beyond a week, and that week would be one of pain,” his grandma wrote.
Although he was born weighing 5 pounds, 11 ounces, he proved to be the biggest fighter there is.

“Crying, alive, and doing it on his own! The doctors were wrong,” wrote his grandmother. “Was he perfect? No, he was perfectly imperfect, and he was HERE. Alive, and a fighter. That day, Leo began to show the world that he would write his own book.
“Today, 6 months later, Leo is still holding the pen…” the family said at the time Leo turned 6 months old.
Right after his birth, Leo spent 6 days at Stallman NICU before he was transferred to the Children’s NICU where he stayed for 8 days before he was released from hospital.

“We were asked about moments that stand out to us, and to be honest, I can’t think of just a few things that stand out,” “He is an amazingly happy spirit and we see him touch and inspire people everywhere he goes. His family, most of all.”
Although there have been many ups and downs, the family is grateful for each moment they get to spend with Leo.
Le is now the best big brother anyone could wish for and he continues to beat the odds with each passing day.
Please SHARE this brave boy’s story with your family and friends on Facebook.
Bored Daddy
Love and Peace