The day started as any other for a woman from Montclare, Chicago, who was talking a walk. Near an ally, she noticed a pile of trash. She took a closer look and a discarded dresser caught her attention. She taught she could use the handles so she stopped to remove them. In the next moment, she was left in complete disbelief. There, in the bottom drawer, there was a baby.
As per NBC Chicago, the woman who wanted to remain anonymous said she believed someone placed the baby there in the morning.
“I put my finger on the little foot, too just to see he was moving,” she said.

The little one was extremely lucky the woman spotted him just in time as a pick up truck was on its way to collect the trash that morning.
“It’s a good thing somebody came by. It’s hot out there, it could’ve ended differently, but it’s all seemingly worked out,” Chicago Fire Department spokesman Larry Langford told the Chicago Tribune.
The police reported that the baby boy was taken to a hospital and is doing fine. He’s perfectly healthy. However, they are now trying to track down the person who left him in the trash and are asking the public to come forward with any information valuable for the investigation.
They also want to remind the public that under the Illinois’ Safe Heaven, parents who don’t want to keep their 30-day-old or younger infants can safely surrender them to a hospital, police station, fire station, or emergency medical facility without facing any legal charges.
For more on the story, check out the video below.