A horrible accident left one mother fighting for her life. Charlie Anne Xavier was sanding a table on September 10, 2021, when the sanding machine exploded. She caught on fire but somehow managed to crawl out of the flames. Unfortunately, around 85% of her body suffered severe burns. It is a miracle she stayed alive.
So far, this mother of two had to undergo 11 surgeries and doctors’ prognosis are that it will take years to recover.
Her husband, André Xavier, spoke to WVIR and said that his wife “is beating the odds day by day.” He, however, is aware that the recovery would be a long and painful one, but he believes that Charlie would stay strong for her boys.

The family started a GoFundMe page to help them with the medical bills and said that any leftover money would be later donated to other burn survivor victims in Charlie’s name.
The fundraiser says, “Charlie is a powerhouse. She’s the girl cheering the loudest, smiling the brightest, and laughing non-stop. She’s the first one there when something or someone is needed, and always the one who can make you smile and feel good about yourself after being with her. She’s a wife and a mother to two beautiful boys – a four-year-old and nine-month-old. She will heal and come home, and it’s our privilege to serve her now.”

André shares updates on Facebook about his wife’s state and is grateful to anyone who sends their prayers for her recovery.
“I would like to share something about Charlie, since I met her 14 years ago, and since we have been married for 13 years, I don’t ever remember her complaining about her pain,” André wrote in one of his posts. “She was diagnosed with RA at age 17 months, so she knows pain all her life! And it is no different now, even though I can’t even fathom the idea of her current pain, she has not complained once!”

He says Charlie is one hell of a strong woman. That, and the love for her children and husband is what makes her go forward and fight for her life every single day.
“I don’t have words to explain how incredible this is for me, the ability to suffer in silence it is something reserved for incredible souls and Charlie is an incredible human being and soul!” André continued. “I can confidently say, that my love for her has grown and shifted since the accident, I feel like my love now is almost a form of devotion, I have accepted this new role that has been assigned to me on our new life! I am devoted to take care of my beautiful wife and soul mate and our two adorable little boys.”

We truly hope Charlie’s recovery would be a speedy one because she deserves to get on her feet and be with her family again.