Morgan Miller Believes Late Daughters Angel Appeared In New Ultrasound

National headlines were made when Olympian Bode Miller and his wife lost heir precious daughter. Just 5 days after her death, Morgan went in for an ultrasound. What she saw will be burned in her mind forever.


The devastating news of the tragic loss of the 19-month-old daughter of the Olympian Bode Miller and his wife Morgan, broke our hearts in thousands of pieces. Once a child is lost, the whole world turns upside-down and than collapses. Bereaved parents face the ultimate pain and have a hole in the hearts that can never be filled. The grief is something that never fades, they just learn how to live with it.

Little Emmy said her final goodbye when she drowned after falling into the neighbor’s pool. But this loving child will always remain in the hearts and the memories of those who knew her and loved her. Recently, something extraordinary happened, and it reminded her parents, that even though Emmy is not physically present in their life, her angel made a sweet visit.


Bode and Morgan learned they were expecting a baby boy when Emmy was still alive. They were beyond happy with the news of welcoming another child into the family, but Emmy’s death changed that. They now couldn’t cope with the idea of having a baby, when their daughter was no longer there.

When the time came for the first ultrasound following Emmy’s passing, the Millers realized their daughter was looking at them from above and cared for her little brother. The image that appeared on the screen left everyone in awe.

Morgan took to Instagram to share a snapshot of the ultrasound, sharing her thoughts on the small face nudged up next to her unborn son’s.

She said:

“When we walked out of the hospital without our Emmy, despair and uncertainty surrounded us. The parting words from the medical staff, in those early hours after we lost our baby Emmy, was to check on the baby in my tummy.

So, 5 days after losing her, I reluctantly had the ultrasound tech come to check on the baby growing in my belly. To step into my future without my daughter felt like a dagger to my heart. How can life change so quickly? During the last ultrasound, my baby Emmy lay in my arms wondering what she was looking at on the screen. And, now, she was gone….”


“This time, I asked the tech to be quick. She asked if I wanted a 3D image to which I replied, ‘no.’ She swiftly maneuvered the wand around my stomach, checking on all parts. As she viewed the baby’s profile, she told me, ‘I know you don’t want a 3D image but this is a perfect angle and I feel like I need to do one. I will be quick.’

As the screen switched over to 3D imaging, I saw my sweet baby’s face. He looked so much like my other babies: just like Bode with that sweet nose and those full lips. But as quickly as I saw this new baby, my eyes moved to the angel lying to the right of his face, holding him, arms around his neck. Almost as if to say, ‘It’s okay. I’m here. It’s going to be okay. I love you.’

I hold onto this picture as a clear sign that my son knows his sister. That my baby girl Emmy is still with us.

And now that our sweet baby boy is here Earth-side, he now holds her.”

Even though nothing can ever ease the pain of their daughter’s loss, these loving parents found a little comfort knowing Emmy is looking after them from Heaven.


Take a look at the amazing video. Do you believe little Emmy is her brother’s guardian angel?