Mom Shares Her Clever Funny Photo On Her Kids First Day Back At School That Makes Parents Fall Off Their Chairs with Laughter

It’s back to school time again, it’s come around so quickly, and on this first day of school Jena Willingham, an Alabama mom made a facebook post we can all relate to, although her three kids didn’t seem all that thrilled!

The post she shared was of her three children, 4 year Sykes, 7 year Emmy, and 11 year Wrangler, each of them wearing backpacks and unashamedly looking down into the pool at their mom, who was in her floating chair celebrating with drink in hand.

Jena posted the amusing photo to Facebook this August just a few days ago and its already been shared over 20,000 times. She has been interviewed by PEOPLE magazine, NBC news, AND The New York Times, and USA Today, and more…

This amazing and funny picture has spread like wildfire through social media everywhere, because, let’s face it, most of us in this situation can completely understand the picture!

Jena said:

“My kids have been driving me crazy with their fighting over chargers and iPads all summer”

“I kept telling them I was going to have a pool day all by myself when they went to school because it’s the first time in 11 years I won’t have a kid home. I was counting down to school, I deserve a break”

Jena really made her point with this innocent but clever picture, and many are writing comments like;

“Awesome! You deserve it!!”


“You go, girl!”

There were a few though, as always, a minority, who were not as warm to it, calling her a spoiled self indulgent woman, but Jena had a reply to this:

“Meanies y’all,” she wrote. “I have a job. Live in a trailer. Borrowed a pool. But I do need to exercise.”

Jena, when asked what she would do with all her time now her kids were in fact back at school said quite frankly, she would use the time to be productive, like doing a grocery shop without the kids.

Her kids are just fine with this:

“The older one likes being famous and the other two are kind of oblivious, But when I did go pick up Sykes Monday everybody in the class started clapping.”

“You know,” Jena said, “What I have taken away from this is that you should not feel guilty about needing a break from your kids.”

Thinking for one minute about all the like and shares, it’s a real safe bet that we all agree right?

Kelly White
Kelly White
Kelly White is an award-winning journalist based in London where she covers financial markets, economies and companies in Europe.

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