Men who shot cop are shocked when the judge hands out a dose of karma

They got what they deserved!


An attempted robbery that took place outside of Caesars casino in Atlantic City turned violent and deadly.

When the officers received the call about the robbery, they rushed to the scene. As they realized there was no way out, the suspects fired a shot and severely injured a cop, 29-year-old Jostle Vadell, who was rushed to the hospital and was placed on a ventilator where he fought for his life.

During the shooting, one of the suspects, 25-year-old Jerome Damon, was killed by the cops.


The rest of the suspects, Demetrius Cross and Martel Chisolm, were arrested and charged with an attempted robbery and attempted murder. On the day they showed in the courtroom, there was a group of officers who wanted to show their support to the family of their injured brother. They were there to make sure the justice would be served.

The judge stated he was proud that so many officers showed up to give the pair of suspects their daily dose of karma.

“These two are a menace to society. They should never be released back into the community. Senseless,” one commenter wrote on Facebook.

“Great to see that the men and women in blue are showing support for each other,” another added.


As for officer Vadell, his family posted an update saying he was recovering at the hospital.

“Update on Josh… he is doing amazing!!! They took him off the ventilator this morning; he is responding with small words, able to sit supported in a chair, and now having some movement on his left side,” his wife wrote. “He is improving every day, and I believe it is from all of the love and support you all bring to our family. Sorry, I can not respond to you all individually, but I see you all care, and I am telling Josh how much he is loved.”

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace!