McDonald’s employee jumps through window to save off-duty police officer and her kids

This young man is a hero!


The day started as any other for South Florida McDonald’s employee Pedro Viloria, 22, but soon, something no one expected coming happened.

Viloria was serving a mom and her two kids through the drive-thru window. The woman paid for the order and everything seemed just fine, but when he went to hand her the food, he noticed she wasn’t breathing properly.

In the next moment, the car started moving and it was obvious the woman lost control of the vehicle. The kids could be heard screaming, “Mother, mother stop it what are you doing!” according to Viloria.

Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

The brave worker knew he had to act quickly in order to avoid a tragedy from taking place, so he jumped through the window and put himself in front of the car. Speaking to Inside Edition, Viloria explained: “I thought if these kids lose their mother today it would have been tragic. If I would have had to die to save that woman, I would have done it.”

Another person who was at the restaurant at the time also rushed to help.

The woman in the car happened to be an off-duty officer. She was transferred to the hospital where she was offered further help, but no other details have been revealed.

Asked why he did what he did, Viloria said, “My brain was on hero mode.” 

Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

The owner of the local McDonald’s told NBC Miami of Viloria: “He is an excellent employee, so it didn’t surprise me that he took immediate action and jumped through a window to help save this woman. And he was not the only member of the team that played a pivotal role in ensuring she received the medical attention she needed. A second employee, who asked to remain unnamed, assisted with CPR.”

We hope the woman will soon recover and we praise the young man for his incredible heroic action.

If you want to learn more, check out the video below.