Manager ejects elderly woman from the restaurant only to discover who she really is

Manager kicks elderly woman out of restaurant - then he suddenly discovers who she really is...


Bea, a warm and friendly elderly woman was a regular customer at one restaurant. She and her husband visited the place on a daily basis and enjoyed each meal and the pleasant atmosphere the place offered. The couple even celebrated their wedding anniversaries there and had a fun time with their family and friends.

Everyone knew Bea very well. The staff would greet her and her husband and always to their time to ask how they were and what life was like.

Then, all of a sudden, the couple was nowhere to be seen. As they got worried for their favorite customers, the employees decided to ask around and learn what was wrong. It was then that they learned that Bea’s husband passed away.

Concerned for her well-being, they sent her a letter asking her to go to the restaurant and talk to them if she feels like it.

Some time later, Bea visited the place and recalled all those beautiful times she had spent there with the people who meant her the most. However, she felt a bit overwhelmed and left without paying. The staff didn’t care about the money because they knew she would get back again.

Source: newyorkcityinthewitofaneye

In the days to come, Bea visited the restaurant once again, but it didn’t resemble the same place. There were some major rearrangements done. Her table, the one next to the window, was no longer there. She took a sit at another table and smiled at the employees, but they didn’t stop to ask her how she was doing. It was a strange feeling, and she didn’t know what was wrong.

At that moment, a man approached her and told her that he was the new manager. He told her how he knew she didn’t pay the last time she was there and added that they only accept paying customers. He didn’t care that she was a regular all those years. He also forbade the employees to have any contact with the customers.

Bea couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She then took a pen out of her bag and wrote something on a piece of paper before leaving the restaurant in tears.

When one of the waiters, Robin, got to the table where the elderly woman sat, he noticed a black wallet and knew it was Bea who left it behind. Just to be sure, he opened it and it was then that he noticed the note. He took it out and what he read broke his heart.

“To the restaurant employees, I have enjoyed coming to this restaurant for over 30 years. Everything at the restaurant has changed over the years: the staff has come and gone, the menu has changed hundreds of times, but I have never left,” Bea wrote.

“I’ve had a lot of happy times here, but you’ve always been there for me, even when things were tough. Now that I am elderly and ailing, I would like to express my gratitude by giving you a substantial sum of money.

“That new floor manager, on the other hand, will not see a nickel of my money,” was scrawled in pen at the bottom of the check. “I’ll also phone the restaurant owner to tell him how I feel about that horrible man,” Bea ended her note.

When the employees shared what had happened with the restaurant’s owner and explained how much Bea meant to everyone of them, he apologized to her and fired the manager. He said that customers as loyal as Bea should always come first.

It is incredible how the restaurant employees became such an important part of this elderly woman’s life.

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