Little boy holds hand of a crying classmate

We need more of this in the world!


First day of school can be either a cheerful or a scary experience. Being surrounded by so many new, unfamiliar faces can cause distress at young children who are starting a new chapter of their life. But it’s especially challenging for kids with autism who are not as outgoing as the rest of their peers.

Connor Crites is an 8-year-old boy from Kansas who found it hard to blend with his schoolmates on his first day of school. He’s now a student in the second grade of Minneha Elementary School in Wichita, Kansas. Starting the new year, Connor couldn’t help by feel terrified of the new surrounding, so instead of running around in excitement, he moved into a quiet corner and began to cry.

And as the rest of the students didn’t even notice the boy in distress because they were pretty much busy minding their own business, one very special boy took a notice of Connor and stepped in.

Thinking Connor might be in need of a friend, Christian took his hand and the two entered the school building together.

Seeing such a young boy showing compassion for a peer he’s never met before was the cutest thing ever. Luckily, Christian’s mom, Courtney Moore, saw what her son did and took a picture of the boys holding hands.

“I saw him on the ground with Connor as Connor was crying in the corner and he was consoling him. He grabs his hand and walks him to the front door.

We waited until the bell rang and he walked him inside of the school. The rest is history. They have an inseparable bond,” Moore told KAKE-TV.

After she shared the cute photo on the social media, lots of people praised Christian for the kindness he showed to Connor. Among those people was Connor’s mother herself.

“I fear every day that someone is going to laugh at him because he doesn’t speak correctly, or laugh at him because he doesn’t sit still or because he jumps up and down and flaps his hands,” Crites told to KAKE-TV.

It’s truly amazing and inspiring to know that there are young kids like Christian who know how to help someone in need.

It’s true when they say that even a single act of kindness can go a long way.