Husband finds out he’s having triplets – His reaction melted millions of hearts

I'm in tears. That's a man!


The news of becoming a parent is by far one of the best one can ever get. Just imagine the joy of being called a mom or a dad by someone little who believes you are the best person there is.

A mom of two is sharing with her husband that she’s expecting again. But what is different this time is that she’s carrying triplets, so that will make her and her husband parents of five. She decides to surprise him at work with the ultrasound and is secretly filming his reaction. All the people who have seen the video and commented on it agree that the way this dad reacts to this incredible news is more than enough to earn him the “father of the year” award.

At first, he’s totally confused and doesn’t figure out immediately that they are having three babies, but once he becomes aware of what is going on, he just can’t hide his excitement. His wife is somewhat concerned that their family will become that much bigger, but he assures her that welcoming triplets is the best thing in the world.


All he wants to know is whether the babies are all healthy and fine.

“His reaction is so comforting to me. And I’m not even the one pregnant, nor am I female,” one person wrote. “Did not hesitate to put her and the kids 1st, did not think of one negative and was more concerned of her shock….. That’s a man!” another person added.

The rest of the comments are somewhat similar. “That right there is a DAD. Not just a father. A dad. All he wanted was to make sure everyone was healthy, and then priority #2 was a bigger house. I’m sobbing like an infant I can’t even handle this.” “If my future husband doesn’t react like this to my pregnancy I’m going to abort the husband.”

Words of praise come from people from all over the world and the video has been seen almost 10 million times. Make sure you check it out below.