Flight Attendant Breastfeeds Stranger’s Baby in Flight When Mom Runs Out of Formula

Wow, this is amazing.


Stories like this restore our faith in humanity and give us hope that there are still compassionate people out there who are ready to make a difference in the world.

While on her job as a flight attendant on a Philippine Airlines flight, 24-year-old Patrishia Organo heard a familiar sound. She quickly got out of her cabin and wanted to make sure that everything was just fine, although she could easily assume what was hiding behind the cry.

“You know the difference between a cry of hunger, a cry of sleepiness, or a cry of something else,” Organo says, whose the mom to a one-year-old child herself, alluding to the fact that she could tell the baby was hungry.

She quickly rushed to the mother and could see her helplessly looking at her infant child with tears in the eyes. When Organo came closer, the mother told her how she ran out of formula milk, and had no idea what she could do in order to calm the baby.

“Passengers started looking and staring at the tiny, fragile crying infant,” Organo said. “There’s no formula milk onboard. I thought to myself, there’s only one thing I could offer and that’s my own milk.”

The mother embraced the unusual offer and was beyond grateful for what Organo did for her child.

“I saw the relief on her mother’s eyes. I continued to feed the baby until she fell asleep. I escorted her back to her seat and just before I left, the mother sincerely thanked me,” Organo said.

After this caring flying attendant shared the story on Facebook, more than 175,000 people reacted to it. Many praised this woman’s generosity. One comment says, “Thank you, from one mom to another!” and another person added, “What a wonderful woman and such a selfless gift she gave to the mother and tiny baby.”

Well, we guess it’s true when people say that it takes a village to raise a child.

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