Many times life changes in an instant. Something or someone comes along the way and changes the way we perceive the things that are truly important.
A mother of four named Leanne was doing her shopping when she stumbled upon a complete stranger who approached her and said,“I need to tell you something.” Little did she know this encounter will affect her so deeply.
Leanne runs a blog called“Life Happens When” where she shares inspiring stories that remind us what life really is all about.

On her Facebook page she shared how a gentleman approach her, and without beating around the bush went straight to what he believes was important for him to share with this young mother.
“Have you ever had a conversation with a total stranger and later realize that person must have been sent by God?”
She believes this stranger was exactly that, sent from God to remind her of the real values of our existence. It appeared that he first spotted Leanne while she was pushing a cart full of groceries and two of her kids sitting on top of them. The kind man took the time to tell this family how cute they were and went on his way.

When they stumbled upon each other again, the stranger felt the need to share a story with this mother.
“He then began a story about when his son was five years old. His son had asked him to build a birdhouse. He told him no because he was really busy with “important” things for work. He watched his disappointed five year old slump off without crying or making a scene, and suddenly he felt terrible for breaking his son’s heart. He called his son back to him. Together they went to the store to buy the materials and they built the birdhouse.”
Now, 40 years after that birdhouse was built, it’s still there, reminding him of those precious moments spent with his son that he will cherish until the last day of his life. He also told Leanne that even after such a long time, he remembers that day as if it was yesterday.

“My eyes immediately flooded with tears. Even though I’m with my kids for the majority of our days, I don’t always devote myself fully to them. I halfheartedly do activities with them. I fuss at them. I get distracted by chores and my to do list and my phone. This man may never know just how much he stopped me in my tracks, helped me adjust my priorities, and inspired me to slow down and be more intentional with my family.”
We should all learn from this man’s story. Family really is the most important thing and we should always find a way and the time to have fun together and make memories.