Shelters are full of different animals that are waiting for someone to come along and get them out of there. Most of the poor souls who were abandoned or lived their life on the streets dream of finding a forever home. Sadly, not every shelter animals is lucky enough to be adopted by someone who would love them unconditionally.
Well, although not everyone can adopt a shelter animal and provide them with a loving home, we can all do something to ease these creatures’ lives, and an elderly man from Tulsa, Oklahoma, knows this best.

Twenty-year-old Madison Sorrels was at the Tulsa Animal Welfare Shelter in Oklahoma waiting to adopt a dog when she noticed the man entering the place. He was carrying a plastic bag that he was about to hand in to the shelter employees.
Madison was curious to learn what the man had in his hands so she stayed for a while.
Her heart melted when she realized he was donating a bag full of tennis balls to the shelter. It turned out that his dog passed away, and he wanted to give the balls that once belonged to his fur pall to the animals at the shelter so that they could have some fun while waiting for a future owner to come along.

“My boyfriend and I were adopting a poodle mix puppy at Tulsa Annimal Welfare. We found out this gentleman was donating tennis balls in memory of a very loved pet. If this doesn’t make your day then I don’t know what will,” Madison wrote after she posted a couple of photos of the man.
Her post vent viral in a matter of days and many praised the elderly man for his act of kindness.
Instead of holding on to the tennis balls while mourning the loss of his dog, this man decided to bring happiness to other canines.
What a thoughtful individual.
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Bored Daddy
Love and Peace