After the Humane Society of the United States discovered a puppy mill in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, they knew they had to get all those animals out of that horrendous place.
Among the 130 dogs who were placed in tiny and filthy cages was one precious dog named B.B. She was in such a bad shape that at the time of her rescue she only weighted a couple pounds. B.B. only had three teeth left and it was impossible to determine her age.
That awful place turned B.B. and the rest of the inhabitants, among which 20 cats and three goats, into miserable animals who had no idea what it feels like to take a walk outside or run around the park.

“She was very tiny, and she looked like this helpless creature.” said Jessica Lauginiger, animal crimes manager at HSUS.
One thing was for sure, B.B. has never seen the daylight before, but luckily, it was all about to change.
“I put my hand up to the cage, and she’d come up and sniff a little bit. She was very hesitant for human attention, but she wanted it,” Jessica said.

Based on her condition, the rescuers could determine that B.B. was bred over and over again throughout the years.
But thanks to the love the kind people from HSUS were willing to give to her, B.B. was about to get a new chance for a better life. The first thing after being freed from the cruel breeders was seeing the sunlight. The poor thing had to squint to adjust her eyes.

All the animals who got to experience their freedom that day were brought at the Cabarrus Animal Hospital which is placed just 35 minutes north of the puppy mill.
Each and every one of them was exhausted and malnourished, but we do believe how all of them will turn into somebody’s healthy and happy pets.
B.B., however, was the dog that made the greatest impression on the rescuers. They simply fell in love with her and decided to make her the star of the annual campaign whose purpose is to collect money to help abandoned animals. They also use part of the money in the fight against puppy mills.

Luckily for B.B., she was adopted and will get to spend her life surrounded by love and kindness.
As for her age, the rescuers believe she’s between seven and ten years old.

B.B.’s new owner, Brenda Tortoreo is looking forward to spoiling her furry baby with all the luxuries she never had.

We are so very happy that B.B. got her happy ending, and we are forever thankful to the rescuers from HSUS and all the animal rights advocates from all around the world.
Below is the whole story.