Doctor Asks Terminally Ill Children What Truly Matters In Life. Their Answers Are Incredibly Wise.


We often take things life has to offer for granted. How is it that we are only grateful for what we have once we lose it? Many people don’t really understand how lucky they are for simply being healthy, having roof over their head and food on their table.

Life is sometimes cruel and when we hear of stories of people who lost it all, we do realize how fortunate we are and what are the real treasures in life, and that’s the well-being of the people we love.

Dr. Alastair McAlpine knows how to cherish the good things because he often witnesses devastating destinies and sees kids losing the battles with their illnesses. This man decided to share with the rest of the world the wisdom he learns from his terminally ill patients. These children are between four and nine years old and tell us what they believe makes life worth. You may get surprised how much shrewdness is hidden behind their words.

Dr. McAlpine is a palliative care physician in Cape Town, S. Africa, who eases the pain of kids who are dying.


When he asked them what truly matters in life and what doesn’t, he hoped many people would hear what his patients had to say, but he didn’t think their words of wisdom would spread among people like a wildfire.

1. No one wishes they spend more time online.

2. Animals make human lives better.

3. They love their parents.

4. Ice cream, duh.

5. Reading makes a big difference.

6. Worrying is a waste of time.

7. Everybody loves the beach!

8. Kindness matters.

9. Laughter is the best medicine.

10. Children love their toys.

11. Family time is the best time.

Dr. McAlpine wrapped up his thread with one last important recap:

The way these children perceive life is what we all should live by. They remind us of the importance of the “little things” and how the essence of our existence is to love and be loved.

Please share their wise words with those you love!