Oh, those dogs. I thank God every day for making them part of our lives, because if it wasn’t for them, some people would have never learnt the true meaning behind “unconditional love, loyalty, and friendship.” Dogs are probably the only living creatures who love their owners more than they love themselves and they have proven this to be true numerous times.
Cotton, an adorable Pit Bull, melted the hearts of millions who have seen the video of him waiting for his human daddy to get back home from a drill weekend spent outside of the house.
Well, as it turns out, Cotton had no idea how long two days could feel when someone you love isn’t around. Although he’s deaf, Cotton knows his daddy is about to enter the door and he has the sweetest reaction after seeing him.
It doesn’t really come as a surprise that the cute video has been seen over 20 million times.

Unfortunately, Cotton’s owners posted an update later on that their loving dog got seriously ill and they had to make the tough decision of putting him down.
Rest in peace, sweet boy, you were the kind of pet anyone would ask for.
You can take a look at the video of Cotton below. Cute beyond words!