Dad talks to his baby in the belly – when she’s born, her reaction to his voice is the most adorable ever

Newborn’s face lights up when she hears her daddy’s voice ❤️


Expecting a child must be the best feeling ever. The anticipation of meeting the bundle of joy grows bigger and bigger with each passing day, just like the mother’s belly.

What many parents-to-be don’t know is that the baby could hear and react to their parents’ voices as well as to music while still in the womb. Classical music, for once, is believed to enhance the baby’s intelligence and provides comfort.

One dad-to-be from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, named Flavio Dantas, never skipped a day without talking to his wife’s belly. He knew his unborn daughter could hear his singing. According to the baby’s mom, Tarsila Rosa, her belly would move each time Flavio sang.

When the couple’s little princess Antonella finally arrived on August 11, which happens to be Father’s Day in Brazil, she was confused, just like any newborn out there. But once she heard a familiar voice singing to her, that of her daddy, she put the most beautiful smile on her tiny face. You can see her smiling on the photo above.

Looking at his daughter smiling at him, Flavio couldn’t hide the tears of joy that kept rolling down his face.

“And it is that moment that people forget all the pain and focus on the most sincere smile of all. My princess was born on Father’s Day, ” the proud daddy wrote in a Facebook post.

It’s not surprising that this special moment the family shared vent viral. The photo of baby Antonella shared joy around the world. We wish her happy childhood!