Cancer is one of the most widespread diseases that can affect anyone, despite gender or age. The diagnosis is devastating, and the battle is long and hard, and takes lots of courage and optimism.
Scientists from across the globe do everything in their power to find a cure, and until that day is here, we can only be supportive and pray for those who are undergoing the ordeal.
When a person is diagnosed, it affects everyone around. But what happens when a child is in question? It makes the parents’ world crush, but they have to be strong and overcome those feelings of shock, guilt, anxiety, and sadness, and be there for their little ones. Just as little McKenna Shea Xydias’ mom and dad are.

This sweet two-year-old toddler experienced some belly swelling some time ago and it alarmed her parents Megan and Michael. The doctors, however, put them at ease saying it’s just a result of constipation.
Soon after this doctor’s visit, McKenna’s teacher called her parents telling them how the girl isn’t feeling good, having a fever of 103F and a swollen abdomen.
She was again rushed to the hospital where they got the same answer as the first time, a constipation. This time, both Megan and Michael knew there was something more serious going on so they decided to do further examination in another hospital.

McKenna was brought to Scottish Rite Hospital in Atlanta where they were told the shocking news of the little girl having a malignant tumor growing on her ovaries. This particular type of cancer turned to be one of the rarest. Luckily, thanks to these devoted parents, it was diagnosed just in time to take action.
The girl had to undergo a surgery that thankfully went pretty well.

She is currently staying at the hospital where she is expected to recover completely after the chemotherapy sessions she has to receive. Her family is sharing McKenna’s story because they want to raise awareness of this rare condition.
This brave little lady never lost her smile and is an example of how we should never give up fighting. Please pray for her!