Some people are so cheerful and optimistic that they bring a ray of sunshine even during the darkest of days. Honestly, I believe one has to be born that way, because some things can’t be learned, you either have them inside or you don’t.
One such special person who brings smiles on the faces of many people every single day is 92-year-old Millie Seiver. Pretty much everyone in the neighborhood knows this sweet elderly lady and her interesting routine.
Despite her age, Millie is very active and goes for a walk almost every day. When she gets tired of walking, she simply starts dancing instead.

One of her dances was caught on the dashcam of Sgt. Kim Lenz who was patrolling around the neighborhood.
The moment she spotted the lady, Sgt. Lenz got out of her vehicle and joined in Milie in her dance.
Needless to say, the cute video went viral in a blink of an eye. You can check it out below. We hope you will love it as much as we did.