Joyous 53-year-old farmer wows the judges of X Factor with her incredible voice

Her husband stayed home to take care of all the animals while she got laughed at onstage. But the second she started singing, she sure changed everyone's mind.


Recently, there were a lot of articles published on social media asking whether we knew who Jacqueline Faye was. As that was the first time I stumbled upon that name I was curious enough to take a sneak peak at some of them. Apparently, Jacqueline was the latest sensation that stole the show on the stage of X factor. Her performance was one of the most noticeable so far on the show that it left all the four judges in delight. I couldn’t stop myself from watching the episode Jacqueline was in and it was the best decision I made that day. Now let me share my impressions on her stunning performance with you.

What caught the eye of those watching is that Jacqueline lives on a farm in Oxfordshire, England and she spends her days with the animals she takes care of, among which chickens, ducks, horses, and two special peacocks named Dave and Chaz. As she states her peacocks are her greatest love, judge Ayda Field jokes how her peacock Robbie is standing next to her.

As she goes on about her life and her husband, the audience is left in laughter and it seems like they take the 53-year-old lady for granted believing she entered the wrong show.

It’s quite obvious that she’s tensed as she announces she is about to perform Cilla Black’s hit song “You’re My World”.


Once she starts singing, she immediately receives a round of loud applause for it is obvious she’s killing it. Everybody is overwhelmed by her breathtaking vocal abilities and she proves that appearances can often be misleading. It seems as though never in her wildest dreams Jacqueline could imagine getting ovations from Simon -who is the most strict of the judges- or even debuting in front of Robbie Williams who she says “is not just an entertainer, he’s an icon. He’s the kind of guy I’d like in my family.”


The ending of her staging was followed by amusement by the audience as well as the judges. Simon admitted he didn’t expect such strong and powerful performance by her saying: “As you walked out I’m kind of thinking to myself [that] maybe you’ve walked on to the wrong show by mistake. And I’m thinking this isn’t going to be great… and then you were.” to which Louis Tomlinson added “For me, stories like this – this is exactly what this show should be all about – someone your age standing up there and having a real moment like that.”

Jacqueline’s talent is undeniable, and no matter her age, she is destined to become a super star loved by many.


In case you missed it, this is her performance that will leave you speechless!

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