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10 Clues Your Body Might Be Giving You About Clogged Arteries

I’ve always tried to stay on top of my health, but it wasn’t until I learned about...

How Your Bowel Movements Reveal Clues About Colon Cancer

I used to think only major symptoms spelled trouble, but the more I researched poop and colon...

Why Quitting Diet Soda Might Be the Best Health Decision You’ll Ever Make

I used to ask myself what happens when you stop drinking diet soda, but I never seriously...

Doctor Makes Worrying Claim: ‘Every New Patient’ Under 45, and It’s All Tied to One Thing

I was floored when I first heard the phrase “junk food cancer risk” in relation to people...

What Your Feet Reveal About Heart Health and Clogged Arteries

Your feet might not be the first place you associate with heart health and clogged arteries, but...

How to Naturally Clear Phlegm and Mucus from Chest and Throat

Colds, sneezing, and coughing are never fun. One of the most bothersome parts of getting sick is...

Chemical in Popular Breakfast Food May Increase Heart Attack and Stroke Risk

A chemical in breakfast food has raised concerns after researchers linked it to an increased risk of...

4 Red Flags Your Brain Might Be in Trouble as Experts Warn Alzheimer’s Can Start Decades Before Symptoms Appear

There are 4 red flags your brain might be in trouble, as experts emphasize that Alzheimer’s often...

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