Bikers escort the casket of a veteran whose body no one claimed

"We’re not going to let any vet go to their final resting place by themselves."


A lot has been said for the sacrifice the veterans made for this country, and no matter what we do for them, we can never thank them enough for keeping us safe.

Sadly, as time passes by and these brave people reach their old age, not many are around them. Although this should never be the case, it does happen and many elderly veterans are left on their own.

Nick Morales is a veteran himself. He and his fellow biker friends show appreciation for those who fought for this country whenever possible. In fact, they have started a project through which they honor the life of veterans who passed away and no one to claimed their bodies. This group’s motto is Vets helping Vets.

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Recently, they learned of the death of Mr. Robert Krause who served as a Marine in the 1950s. He was living all by himself, with no friends of relatives who could organize a decent funeral for him. That’s when Nick Morales and his crew stepped in.

”I’ve heard it said that a veteran dies twice: once on the battlefield and the second time when people stop saying his name,” Morales told Fox 13 News. ”If there’s anything we can do to prevent the latter, so be it.”

The kind volunteers escorted Mr. Krause’s casket from the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital to the Florida National Cemetery and that way they paid tribute to his service.

“We’re not going to let any vet go to their final resting place by themselves. We all have a common bond of service – our service, what we’ve done for our country. And regardless of what we’ve done after our service, we still have that bond,” Morales said.

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We are very thankful for everything these bikers do for the fallen veterans. You are our heroes, may God bless you all.

Take a look at the touching story in the video below and don’t forget to share it with your friends because these people deserve all the praise in this world.