An entire family from Mexico City wiped out by COVID-19 in a matter of days – “Take care of your children”

The family were killed by COVID-19 in a matter of days. Now a family member wants others to take the virus seriously. Rest in peace.


The coronavirus pandemic left millions fearing for their lives after it spread in each country of the world. Governments are struggling to take control of the situation by imposing lockdown and cerfew and asking from the people to socially distance from one another. Regardless, many caught the virus and many died as a result of it.

Mexico wasn’t spared either. Around 230,000 people tested positive and thousands died.

A case from Iztapalapa, Mexico City, shook the country after an entire family died of the virus in less than a month. Relatives of the family are urging people to take the situation with the virus seriously, because it’s real and it’s very dangerous.

Generic image/Shutterstock

Ricardo Sánchez González, 35, was the first to be tested positive for the virus. He died just an hour and a half after he was admitted to the hospital. His older brother, 45-year-old Julio, died as a result of complications from the virus just a few days after his brother passed away, at the end of April.

The brother’s parents, Emilio Sánchez, 68, and his wife Aurora González were both tested positive for the virus. Emilio died on May 9, and Aurora died a few days later.

Generic image/ABC News

The news of the tragic deaths of this family left many heartbroken. It was a sad thing to hear and the relatives can’t believe the whole family died in such a short time.

María del Carmen, relative, said, “It was a desperate thing, (I felt) powerless seeing death arrive and without being able to do anything. Take care of your children, take care of your parents because it’s a horrible death.”

We are very sorry for the Sánchez González family. Let their story serve as an example that we should all do our best to keep ourselves and those around us protected and safe by respecting the social distancing.