Jay Leno is in our thoughts and prayers

Prayers are needed for Jay Leno who broke his knee-caps, ribs, and collarbone in horrific motorcycle crash. The images are hard to watch...


Following a gasoline fire accident that left him with serious burns and forced him to be hospitalized, the former The Tonight Show host Jay Leno went through another ordeal after being involved in a motorcycle accident last week.

Sadly, he was again taken to the hospital as it has been revealed that he broke two kneecaps and two ribs and fractured his collarbone.

Luckily, Leno isn’t someone who gives up easily so despite the severity of his injuries he shared with his fans that he’s been feeling fine and is back to work. He hopes that he would be able to recover completely in a matter of days.

According to the host himself, he was out exploring his 1940 Indian motorcycle when he smelled gasoline and made a decision to take a detour. “As a result, I directed the bike down a backstreet and crossed an adjacent parking lot.” Further, he told Las Vegas Review-Journal that “someone had unknowingly strung a wire across the parking lot without a flag or any other visible warning signs.”

As her rode right into the wire, Leno was lurched out of his seat and onto the pavement. He told onlookers that he was totally unaware of the wire and it wasn’t his fault and that there was no time for him to act, thus left his motorcycle roll on its own.

As of the gasoline accident he was involved in November 2022, Leno said, “I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire. I am ok. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet,” shortly after it happened.

According to TMZ magazine, Leno was in the garage when one of his cars suddenly burst into flames. He was then taken to a burn center where he remained hospitalized in stable condition.

For more on the story go to the video below.

We truly hope Jay Leno would recover completely as soon as possible.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace