Garbage collector notices 90-year-old lady hasn’t taken out the trash for two weeks – ends up saving her life

What the company and the employees did for this elderly lady is worth all the praise.


This isn’t the first time that we hear of a garbage collector going an extra mile while on the job.

Jake Bland has been working as a garbage man around the area of Kentucky for many years and knows the neighborhood and all the people living there all too well. So when he noticed that the resident of one of the houses hasn’t taken the trash out for several days, he assumed something was wrong.

Source: WDRB

However, because of the pandemic and the social distancing, he hesitated whether to knock on the door of the elderly lady who was living there.

Days passed by and Bland started getting even more worried because there was no trash taken out for around two weeks, so he did what had to be done. He called his head office and asked from them to give the lady a call just to make sure she was doing fine.

Source: Needpix

They immediately called her home, and to their relief, she answered the phone. They explained how the garbage collector got worried and asked her why she hadn’t taken her trash out for so long. The 90-year-old lady explained how she had little food in the house and didn’t really have much trash. She also explained how she was eating very little because she was afraid to go shopping because of the pandemic.

Source: Kayleigh_kins/Instagram

This disturbed the company representative, Denise Arthur. He was sad the lady was skipping meals and made sure some of the employees bought groceries for her.

They left the bags in front of her house and wrote a note saying that their company, Hometown Hauling Company, will always be there to assist her.

Source: Just.jeslynn/Instagram

The lady was very happy and grateful. These people made her day and restored her faith in humanity. And it was all thanks to Bland who showed that he cared for the people he serves.

The story quickly spread around and people were thankful to Bland, Arthur, and the company for everything they did for the lady. They said they were happy to assist and hope other companies would take care of the members of the community in the same manner.

Source: WDRB

Although the coronavirus pandemic made us socially distance from one another, this whole experience somehow brought humanity closer. We honestly hope this disease would soon be gone and we would be able to get back to the way we lived before it started.