Students Learn and Expose Real Truth About Their Strict Math Teacher

The truth about their strict math teacher left the students in disbelief!


A Vietnam veteran called, Jim O’Connor is an amazing math teacher he is not one to dice with though! He has a super shot army-style haircut and keen all-seeing eyes that scan the classroom endlessly!

Having spent years in the military he is firm and commands respect among the students, he really does not stand for rowdy behavior either or restless teens in his class.

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Jim, who teaches at the St. Francis High School in California, takes a “no bull” methodology to teaching and coping with 32 teenage boys in the class. All students are familiar with his strict regime in the class, but on learning his nickname outside the school they were on their backs!

It happens that Jim is known out of school as the baby whisperer. He is a TLC volunteer at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, he really has devoted his time to cuddling sick children, really sharing the love!

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He first started helping the hospital when a friend of his persuaded him to donate blood, he has type ‘O’ negative, which is a highly wanted, universal blood type!

Jim then returned to regularly give blood and platelets, he really was the hospitals top donor, so far he has shared 72 gallons of blood!

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When he would go to the hospital he would keep seeing sick and struggling children and babies at the hospital, he wanted to know if he could do something to help. The guy who was single and never been married or had children, but was awesome a cuddling babies!

He enjoys rocking them, walking with them and feeding them too, the hospital really loves Jim, what an awesome guy, all the little ones gravitate to him too!

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Jim really works well with the children, he gives love and helps the hospital all the time, the staff and families really appreciate his help!

Have a watch for yourself, and please SHARE this awesome story!