It doesn’t really matter how old someone is as long as they are young at heart.
Chelsea Feole is a young woman who had the best grandma one could ask for. Her Nana was 88 at the time the video of her dancing like she was in her twenties was taken. This adorable elderly lady made many smile with her incredible moves.
She could be seen moving to the rhythm as she leaves her home and hears the music. What’s most, she even drops her purse on the ground and many say that it might be the best thing of all.

Sadly, Nana, as Chelsey called her, passed away, but the videos of her are still making the days of many and are re-shared every now and then.
A huge number of people were commenting that Nana was truly a special human being, with one person writing: “I’m soooo glad she got the chance to dance like nobody was watching and enjoying the moments.”
Take a look at Nana below. Rest in peace, we will never forget your spirit and your incredible optimism.