5-yr-old girl sings and signs Xmas song at holiday concert for her deaf parents

Claire is the daughter every parent would ask for.


Raising your kids the right way by teaching them to honor the true values in life is what a great parenting is all about. Claire’s parents have to be the proudest mommy and daddy because their daughter is a real angel with a heart of gold.

Unfortunately, they are both deaf, but that didn’t stop this cutie and her little sister to communicate with them. Ever since Claire was very young, she learned the American sign language. 

What she did for her parents is sweet beyond words, and it will certainly make tears of joy roll down your face. 

The school Claire attends was getting everything set for the annual Christmas show, and all the kids prepared a song to perform in front of the audience consisting mainly of family members. Claire knew mom and dad will be among the crowd and she just felt it would be pity for them not to understand what their little girl was singing. After giving it some thought, she decided to translate the lyrics into sign language. When the kids got on the stage and started singing, Claire sang with her hands. Her parents had no idea she was about to do that and they couldn’t contain their excitement and simply couldn’t believe the amazing gesture. It was the best Christmas present they could think of. 

Claire’s action made her a hero in the eyes of mom and dad, and we agree that she is the daughter anyone would ask for. You go girl!

Please share this lovely and heartwarming story with your loved ones.