Modern times impose modern styles in dancing, music, and art in general. But it always warms my heart when I see parents teaching their little ones about the traditional forms of different types of art. Because it’s the tradition which made us who we are today, right?
Little Oscar was just four years old when he took the stage of a dancing competition and made everyone go “aww.” He tapped to the rhythm of the traditional Irish music and stole everyone’s heart. How could such a wee boy perfect this style to this extent, people wondered. With a hard work, we guess, but also with an innate talent.

Not only he mastered his routine to magnificence, but he added some unique twists and spins which made the whole thing even better to watch.
People couldn’t help but comment on Oscar’s video. One person wrote, “This made me really cry! He’s so beautiful, I completely lost it!” while another added, “When a 4 year old is a better dance than you will ever be.”
Oscar’s routine was described as amazing, unique, awesome and inspiring.
Check out the video of him performing below. His understanding of timing and rhythm is truly mesmerizing!