3-month-old baby boy beaten to death by his monster father

Rest in peace sweet boy.


What kind of a sick monster one needs to be in order to abuse their own children? The sad reality is that a number of children suffer from the hands of their parents, and many times, the social services fail in preventing the neglect and abuse from taking place.

Sylys Hernandez was only three months old when he died in 2017. The poor baby was beaten by his own dad, lunatic Isaac Hernandez from Nampa, Idaho. After the child was found dead in his crib, it was determined that he suffered horrific death. Autopsy showed that sweet Sylys had fractures on his legs and 26 fractures on his tiny ribs. His mouth was all covered in bruises.

The sight was completely shocking, but what is even sadder is that this horrific murder could be prevented. Namely, the social services got an anonymous tip about child neglect. The program manager for child and family services in the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Region 3, Susan Dwello, was on that case, but after visiting the house she determined there was nothing incriminating.

 “The difficulty of (anonymous complaints) is that if the department needed to go back or seek more information or other ideas in terms of who may have further information, with an anonymous call, we’re not going to be able to do that,” she explained.

Apparently, just a couple of days prior her visit, the little boy was seen by a doctor and he was perfectly fine. It was reported how Sylys was gaining weight and nothing spoke of alleged abuse at the time.

The father, who definitely doesn’t deserve to be called that, pleaded guilty to three counts of felony injury to his child and was sentenced to 27 years in prison. He, however, wasn’t charged with murder because the exact cause of death of little Sylys wasn’t determined.

We hope this awful man will rot in hell for taking a life of an incredible boy he was supposed to love and care for.