28-Year-Old Woman Given Days to Live. Family Shares Heartbreaking Last Photos

Severe abdominal pain forced the 28-year-old woman to seek treatment. That's when doctors gave her the heartbreaking diagnosis and said there was nothing they could do. In her final days, her family decided to share her final photos to help raise awareness about this disease.


Redhead, a 28-year-old girl from West Midlands, UK, suffered from colitis a great part of her life. It’s a condition in which intestinal lining becomes inflamed. She has visited numerous doctors throughout the years, but in the final year of her life she started feeling worse with each passing day. The hospital staff never though she had a serious illness believing her weight loss and the severe abdominal pain she experienced were a result of her condition so they didn’t take things serious enough. It wasn’t until her stomach got swollen and she could feel a lump that they ran tests on her. Unfortunately, the results were devastating. Redhead had bowel cancer.

“We were all devastated when we were told it was bowel cancer and that it was incurable,” said her younger sister, Emily.

At that point, it had already spread on more than 70 percent of her liver. The cancer was terminal and the girl refused the treatment she was offered.

“She said she’d rather have less time and feel healthier in herself so that’s what she chose to do,” said Emily.

During those short months she got to live, Redhead shared her struggles and her journey on the social media. She wanted to raise awareness of the type of cancer she had.

Redhead was a brave young girl who was determined to live her final days to the fullest. Her story was heartbreaking, but her will and her spirit were never broken. She would share images of her surrounded by the people who loved her to the moon and back and who were her support during her ordeal.

She posted photos of the happy moments she was given and the celebrations of Christmas, New Year, and her birthday together with her family.

Once she lost all her strength, her sister Emily took over the social media updates.

“We are so proud of the fight she’s put up for the last few months, she has been so brave but she has said she’s ready to die now and no longer be in pain,” said Emily.

Emily and her loving sister who lost her life way too early sent a clear message to everyone who suffers from colitis. Having this condition may lead to more serious illnesses, so getting regular check-ups is crucial for the prevention of developing cancer.