In the world of figure skating, some moves are considered ultimate and are only performed by the greatest in the field. That is why, merely the entire world was wowed by the impeccable skills of a 12-year-old girl from Moscow, Russia, named Veronica Zhilina.
This prodigy who stole the hearts of millions of people who have seen some of her many performances is a student at the famous academy of the former Russian skating superstar Evgeni Plushenko. The Instagram account @talented_skaters as well as some Russian outlets, including Championat, wrote of this talented young skater that her wish is to be part of the Olympics one day.
At the age of 11, Veronica successfully performed the enormously difficult jump, the quadruple Salchow, after which a quadruple toe loop and a triple Axel followed, and placed herself on the list of the most technically gifted skaters of her generation and beyond.
Back in 2019, a video of her emerged on YouTube and many went crazy. She appears to be competing with other children her age, and what she has to show is mesmerizing and spectacular.
Veronica takes the ice stage looking confident. No stage fright at all from what we can see, which is surprising from someone her age watched by many. She skates on the famous hit by Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah, but this time, it’s the version of singer Alexandra Berk who recorded the song after performing it on the 2008 season of X-Factor.
Veronica’s skating is something you don’t want to miss. Check it out below.