Adopting a child and offering them the life they have always deserved is the ultimate act of humanity, especially when it comes to kids who found themselves abandoned by their neglectful birth parents who treated them badly.
Sadly, it happens that adoptive parents abandon the kids they once welcomed into their life too, and that is exactly what happened to a boy named Anthony.
Instead of loving him and be there for him in sickness and in health, Anthony’s adoptive parents took him to the hospital one day and left him there.
What’s worst about the whole thing is that this action of ‘dumping’ their son was legal.

Most of us think that adoption is permanent once the papers are signed, but as one unlucky boy learned in a very traumatic fashion, you can actually cancel your kid like a Netflix subscription.
Anthony thought he was getting a happy ending when he was adopted by a supposedly loving family at the age of four.
Sadly, that all came to a crashing end seven years later when Anthony’s parents inexplicably took him to the hospital, where they carelessly discarded him like a piece of trash.
And get this – their actions were totally legal!

“All the promises of a forever family were thrown out the window and this young boy was left alone, abandoned, frightened, and crushed emotionally.”
Those who learned of this boy’s sad fate couldn’t believe there were people there like his parents. They took care of him for seven years, and then gave up on him when he needed them the most.

The story of Anthony was shared on Love What Matters.
“He didn’t know when or if they were ever coming back for him because he was not in on the plan they orchestrated to abandon their child. Most people could not conceive that a parent could do this to a child, yet this was not their first time. You see, they did the exact same thing to their other adopted son a couple of years before, sadly enough.”
But then, a man named Peter Mutabazi came across Anthony’s path when he least expected and changed his life.

Peter had a hard childhood. He used to live with an abusive father in a secluded village near Rwanda and Uganda. The ordeals he was forced to go through during his young years made him vow he would help children who experience hardship in life.
Once in the U.S., Peter started a successful real estate business in Oklahoma and he could finally afford to make his dream of helping kids in need of love and a family come true.

Peter’s journey into fostering began with two brothers whom he grew fond of the moment he meet them. However, taking care of them didn’t last long as the Family Court decided to reunite them with their biological parents.
Peter was happy for them, but at the same time he felt heartbroken to be separated from them. So when he was contacted about a boy who he was supposed to look after “just for the weekend” he hesitated whether to agree or not.
Eventually, he said yes, but decided not to ask anything about the boy’s background. That’s when Anthony entered Peter’s life.

What Peter didn’t know was that “just over the weekend” would in fact turn into a lifetime.

Speaking of Anthony, Peter said:
“Never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate I would be parenting the child of two parents who had led lives that passed the extensive background check standards involved with parenting foster children, only just to abandon not one, but two of their children.”

Once Anthony met Peter, he referred to him as ‘Dad.’ But Peter told him not to call him like that because he didn’t want to get too attached to someone that would be in his home for just 48 hours.
“I told him he could call me ‘Mr. Peter’ and 20 minutes after his arrival, he asked if he could call me ‘Dad.’ What? I didn’t even know his last name, yet he was asking to call me ‘Dad.’ This was not typical, as most children in foster care initially want to remind you that you are not their father and ‘never will be.’ This child I had just met was not even presenting that argument.”

When Monday arrived, Peter couldn’t help but ask the social worker about Anthony’s life. The answer he got broke his heart into a million pieces. He could never imagine how this loving boy was abandoned twice, once by his biological parents and the other time by his cruel adopters.
Peter didn’t even know it was legal for adoptive parents to get rid of the kids just like that.

The social worker added how Anthony’s case was simply labeled as a “failed adoption.” It was then that Peter knew he couldn’t be another person who would fail this boy who has gone through so much.
“They signed an agreement relinquishing their parental rights and never looked back. I was completely shocked! I could not believe what I was hearing. I began to cry out of anger for what these people had done to this 11-year-old child.”

“I refused to allow him to be cast aside again. Besides, he was already calling me ‘Dad.’ I asked the social worker to provide me with a placement letter so I could enroll him in school the following day. She asked me about 100 times if I was serious and we both cried tears of joy.”
It only took a couple of months for Anthony to become Peter’s legal son. The two were over the moon they found each other. And although it looked at first that this amazing man saved the fragile boy, the truth was that they saved each other.

“This is the blessing I am most thankful for in my life. It has been an amazing journey. I’m amazed at how resilient and positive he is, despite all that he has had to endure,” Peter said.