They say that life is too short to not dance as no one is watching, and this lady from the English town of Eastleigh is doing exactly that. Her carefree behavior and obviously vibrat personality made her a star practically overnight after a video of her dancing on the street while waiting for the bus emerged online.

Someone from across the street found her dancing beyond cute and filmed her, not knowing the video would attract millions of views.
The song that goes on in the background is the legendary Dancing Queen by ABBA. Well, although it suits the “dance routine” just perfectly, the woman from the video, who was later identified as Ellie Cole, said she was actually listening to Knockdown by Alesha Dixon at that moment.

Believe it or not, since the video was posted on YouTube back in 2013, Cole’s life changed. It helped her land a professional role in London’s AH Men musical and she was also invited onto The Today Show, among the rest.
Who knew that a carefree dancing at Js Corner Cafe, Bishopstoke Road, Eastleigh, would go such a long way. Check the video below.