Woman Captures Stranger’s Selfless Act of Respect in Pouring Rain as Funeral Procession Passes

Losing a loved one means losing part of yourself. In those sad moments of grief and sorrow, we should always do our best to be as compassionate as we can and empathize with the family of the deceased. Although there is nothing we could change, being there and showing support could be of great importance.

One man from Bloomington knew how to pay respect when a funeral procession was passing on the roadway he was driving on. Now his action is spread on the social media and people say how we should all learn from this man.

He got out of his vehicle, got his hat off, bowed his head in silence, and stood right there on the pouring rain as the funeral procession passed.

This amazing act was spotted by many drivers and people who found themselves at the scene, but it was Joy Wagler who shared a photo of it on her Facebook page.

“I don’t know him, but he is a wonderful example of how we need to act when a funeral procession comes through while we are driving,” Wagler wrote.

“Not only did he pull over and stop, but he got out of his truck, took his hat off and stood (in the rain) with his hat on his chest and head bowed!” she continued.

“This was longer than the average funeral procession and he didn’t move until it was over. Unfortunately this is something that has been lost with a lot of people.”

“He showed so much respect,” Wagler wrote.

She believes that sharing the photo of him was sort of recognition for his action and his kind soul.

“It was a good reminder to me that we should never be so busy and so much in a hurry that we forget to show compassion and respect for our fellow men,” Wagler concluded.

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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