Vegan Who Sued Neighbors over Barbecue Smell Loses Court Appeal

It looks like she hates all her neighbors!


A vegan woman from Perth, Australia, named Cilla Carden took legal action against her meat eating neighbors for making barbecue in their back yard. According to Carden, her stay at her yard became unbearable because of the smell of grilled meat and cigarettes and that made her took drastic measures. She as well complained of the neighbors’ kids running and playing outside. Speaking to 9News, she said, “It’s been devastating, it’s been turmoil, it’s been unrest, I haven’t been able to sleep.”

Carden’s case, however, wasn’t convincing and was thrown by the State Administrative Tribunal. One of her neighbors who wanted to stay anonymous says her demands ‘were proven to be not reasonable and and indeed were to the detriment of the other owners’ ability to enjoy their lots in a reasonable and acceptable manner.’

But Carden was determined to stop at nothing to regain her piece and quiet. Not only she sued them again, but this time she also asked from the nearby families to dim their patio lighting, keep their pets quiet, and stop putting many plants in the common garden.

The appeal she submitted on March 29 of this years was rejected on July 29 by Chief Justice Peter Quinlan. He said that the 400 pages of evidence were ‘well in excess of anything that might be thought to be proportionate to the issues’.

According to The tribunal, letting children play in the patio ‘didn’t constitute reasonably a nuisance.’

Now, even one of the families forbade their kids from playing basketball and moved their barbecue, Carden is still not happy and is planning on taking additional legal action.