Everybody knows that dogs ‘have a thing’ for delivery men and women and UPS drivers. Leo, a lovely Pit Bull, is not an exception. Throughout the years, he and his human mommy Tina Rummel formed a strong bond with a UPS driver named Katie Newhouser.
“He would always start barking as I pulled into the condo complex……He would always jump into my truck when I stopped,” Katie wrote in a Facebook post.
Honestly, every dog owner on her route can tell you how their pets love Katie as she never visits them empty-handed but gives them a bunch of treats.

One day while on the job, Katie passed by Leo’s house and learned the devastating news of his human mommy’s passing. Sadly, it meant Leo was now all by himself as Tina’s son Conan was serving in the Marines away from home. Worried for the animal’s well-being, Katie made sure to check on him regularly. But, it wasn’t until Leo got inside her vehicle one day refusing to leave it that Katie realized he needed a new home.
She agreed to take Leo in until Conan gets back home. In the meantime, Leo was happy and formed a perfect relationship with the rest of the dogs in Katie’s household.

There were days when Leo would sob after Tina, but his furry siblings were always there to comfort him.
Seeing all her dogs showing so much affection for one another, Katie knew that separating Leo from them would be the worst thing that can happen to him.

Thankfully, she was able to adopt him eventually and that means Leo would spend his life around Katie and her dogs who all love him so very much.
Below is the whole story!