True stories that become more terrifying with every detail

True stories that become more terrifying with every detail.

From eerie encounters, to unsolved mysteries, the following real-life stories get scarier with every detail they reveal.

If you are not terrified by the horror and the supernatural, we dare you to continue reading. You’d be surprised how chilling real life can get.

  • I woke up at 3 a.m. to get water. I heard my son’s voice from his room, saying, “Mom, can you turn off the light?” I didn’t think twice—I switched it off. As I got back into bed, it hit me… my son
    wasn’t home; he had gone camping. I ran to his room and froze when I saw it was empty. I was 100% sure I heard my son’s voice—or at least someone talking to me in a sleepy tone. When I told my husband, he laughed it off, saying it was probably in my head, but I swear the voice was real. That moment still creeps me out.
  • My boyfriend told me that when he was a kid, he used to hear whispers and have conversations in one of the rooms at night. Intrigued, he entered the room out of curiosity, and someone tapped him on the back so hard that he fell unconscious. When he woke up, there was a big mark on his back, resembling a scratch from large paws, and it’s still there today. It’s creepy.
    © ruri7218 / Reddit
  • One summer night when I was in high school, I was asleep with my window open. At around 3 a.m., I heard someone ferociously honking their car horn over and over. At this point, I wasn’t fully awake and comprehending where the sound was coming from. Then suddenly, I heard a woman scream, “Somebody, please help me!”
    This made me jump out of bed instantly, and I ran to my mom’s room to tell her we needed to call 911. My mom called and reported the incident. After a few minutes, we saw the cops arrive, they looked around with flashlights for a few minutes but couldn’t find anyone in their car, so they ended up leaving.
    The next day, we asked the neighbors if they heard or saw anything, and no one had even heard a peep. It still weirds me out to this day. © No_Director2816 / Reddit
  • I was on the Tube in London, and a guy was sitting right opposite me with a very unusual, colorful t-shirt that was eye-catching. So, I spent the journey glancing at him and his shirt, as you do when you’re on the Tube.
    I got off at my stop, and the t-shirt guy stayed on the train. On my way up the escalator to street level, the same guy passed me on the opposite escalator coming down from the street.
    There was no way he could’ve been there—I left him on the train. It freaked me out good and proper. © Abervilla / Reddit
  • When I was a kid, I remember lying on my bedroom floor with the door wide open while my parents watched TV in the living room at around 1 a.m. Suddenly, I’d try to get up to use the bathroom, and my brain would almost act out me doing it.
    It wasn’t until about the fifth time that I realized I had never actually gotten up. I was stuck on the floor, unable to move, talk, or call for my parents. It felt like something had sucked the soul out of my body, and I was pinned to the ground. It wasn’t until my dad walked in to put me in my bed that I started bawling my eyes out. © Stockwaa / Reddit
  • Many, many years ago, there was an abandoned old house at the far end of a plant nursery. We had heard from others that they would go there to party. So, one night, a friend of mine, his girlfriend, and I grabbed some snacks and headed over, guided only by the light of the moon. We found the dilapidated house behind some tall trees and moved towards it.
    As we got closer, I heard a single frog croaking. As we approached even more, more frogs started making noise. A few steps further, the sound of thousands of frogs drowned out all other noises, seemingly warning us not to venture closer to the blackened window home. We took the frogs’ advice and went back home with our snacks, where it was safe. © Buck-osogrande-5150 / Reddit
  • This just happened a week ago. In my bedroom, there’s a small hallway that leads to the master bath. I had woken up in the middle of the night and was still in that twilight zone between sleep and awake. I looked down that dark hall and clear as day was a little kid. The kid turned and looked at me and got one of those huge horror movie evil smiles on its face and then started running at me. I actually jumped out of bed and screamed. It was gone. I woke up my cat, and she looked at me like I was crazy. It took a while to go back to sleep after that. HumpieDouglas/ Reddit
  • My mom doesn’t like driving on the highway so when I was a teenager we’d take the back way when visiting my grandparents. There was one town we’d always pass through that gave us the creeps. It was very small, no grocery store, no gas station, just some houses, a church, and a community centre that was weirdly nowhere near the rest of the town. A lot of main roads went near it, but not through it, it was the kind of place that most people didn’t pass though. We never saw anyone on the street, occasionally you’d see a shadowy figure peeking out from a porch but that was it. There was a huge park with a nice looking playground that we never saw a single child at. If vampires were real, this is definitely where they’d live. Once me and my mom decided to drive down a side street in this town just to see what was there. We came across a car repair shop which was weird because we never saw any cars there and as soon as we approached, this guy came out. His face was not the shape of a normal human face, it was kind of lumpy. Obviously some people have facial deformities, nothing scary about that but there was something so unsettling about this guy, he stormed out and then just stopped and stared at us with the angriest look I’ve ever seen. It didn’t help that this was the only human we’d ever seen outside in a town we’d driven through dozens of times. We quickly noped out of there and never explored that side street again. ihopeyoulikeapples/ Reddit
  • When I was 16, I decided to skip school and stay home to play video games. I set up my PlayStation and made some hot pockets, and just when I was getting comfortable, I heard footsteps approaching my room. I glanced outside and noticed my parents weren’t home yet, but I still felt afraid of getting caught. With no place to hide, I froze in place.
    Suddenly, the door was flung open, and I heard a blood-curdling scream echo through the house. I must have sat there petrified in that room for half an hour before finally going outside and waiting for my parents to come home. I tried to explain to my friends later what happened, but they thought I was just making up some internet-inspired story. © IAmTheRules / Reddit
  • When I was a child, around 7, I lived in a house where the previous owner had passed away. My parents were unfazed by it, as they didn’t believe in the paranormal and thought nothing would happen.
    My room was the coldest in the house, and one night I woke up to a pale, lean man staring at me from the end of my bed. I didn’t scream; I was so shocked I must’ve fainted because the next thing I knew, it was morning. I never told my parents for fear of seeming crazy. But I remember his face so well. © Informal_Mushroom115 / Reddit
  • When I was a kid in the early 2000s, my sister and I had a TV in our room that was just for watching DVDs (we did not have cable). On occasion, the TV would turn to a black terminal screen and start typing words to us. It would essentially curse us out and also identify that we were two girls. We thought it was funny and crazy and would call up our parents, saying, “Look what the TV is doing!”
    As adults, my sister and I are beyond creeped out at how the TV was able to do that. As to who or what was behind this phenomenon, we still have no idea. © neogirl22 / Reddit

Have you ever experienced anything similar? What’s the creepiest thing you’ve ever witnessed?

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