Trooper helps woman deliver her baby on the side of the road

"We were all troopers that day!" the proud mom said.


Some awesome news came from Indiana this week. Parents to be, Shaniqua Traywick and Carl Robertson, were headed to the hospital as Shaniqua was about to give birth to their first child. However, her contractions were getting more and more severe with each passing minute and they both realized that the baby couldn’t wait until they get to the hospital so Carl pulled the car over.

Source: Indiana State Police statement

Indiana State Trooper Thomas Maymi was on duty on the Indiana Toll Road and noticed the car stopping on the side of the road. He then noticed this man running towards him and telling him that he’s wife is in labor. Trooper Thomas called an ambulance and headed towards Shaniqua. While they were waiting for the LaPorte County EMS to arrive, Thomas offered his help and stayed by the future parents’ side.

“Two minutes after paramedics were on scene, the baby was delivered. Upon delivery, mom and baby were transported to LaPorte Hospital,” the Indiana State Police said in a statement.

Source: Indiana State Police statement

Luckily, everything went perfectly fine and the sweet baby boy was born healthy. To honor the kind trooper who was there when they needed it the most, they named their bundle of joy Malaki Thomas Robertson. Of course, he was happy to hear that. The proud mom said of that special day, “We were all troopers that day!”