Seeing your baby growing up and reaching the age of starting school and taking part in recitals and shows has to be one of the most memorable feelings ever.
Many times, when the little ones take the stage, we feel even more anxious than they do because we fear they would feel down if they mess things up.

But even if they do forget part of their routine and improvise instead, that can turn into a nice “remember the time when…” story during family get-togethers.
Well, we don’t know about you or your kids, but we certainly know that this little boy will look back on the day he took the stage and wowed the audience with a smile on his face.
He performed along with five girls dressed in a same cute outfit, but he definitely stole the show.
It wasn’t because he remembered the dance moves flawlessly, but because he was taken by the moment and came up with his own routine.

The performers are way too little to be able to dance in perfect sync, so they all move their arms in a different manner.
Well, I guess that’s what makes the whole show even more adorable to watch.
Then, at one moment, the boy steps forward and forgets all what he practiced before he took the stage. Instead, he shows unique moves and makes sure to keep up with the rhythm along the way.

Oh, boy! No stage wright or considering anyone’s expectations. He moves as though no one is watching and has a huge smile on the face the whole time.
He even forgets that this was supposed to be a tap dancing routine, so he starts bouncing instead.

At one particular moment, one of the girls bumps into him, but he continues as though nothing happened.
Needless to say, the crowd is one their feet and cheering.

Someone from the audience just knew it would be a pity if this one-of-a-kind performance was only witnessed by those in the room, so they took a video and uploaded it on YouTube.
And as we all expected, it has been seen more than a million times with people commenting how it was the best thing they’ve seen in a while.

What we all got to learn from this boy is that we should always seize the moment and take advantage of the opportunities in life that make us happy and fill our hearts with joy.
With all the responsibilities that the adult’s life brings, it’s great to be reminded once in a while what it felt like to be little children; careless and free.

Watching this happy boy dancing is a real pleasure. We hope he never loses the spark in his eyes and will always dance through everything life brings.
Take a look at him in the video below and don’t forget to share it with your friends!